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The Progress of Stem Cell Treatment ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) by Drs. Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang, Bo Cheng, Susan Chu, Mary Zhang Wu Medical Center The retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is because of prematurity, low weight when the patient is bo

1. Spinal Cord Injury Brief Introduction A pressure or cut on the spinal cord can cause damage of gray matter in the spinal cord nerve cells. The white matter nerve fiber and the different amounts of hemorrhaging, where the most severe is in the ce

By:Like Wu , Xiaojuan Wang , Bo Cheng, Saichun Chu, Shuangshuang Liu , Xinrui Xi , Fang Peng , Xiang Wang , Xueyan Feng Wu Medical Center Abstract: Objective : To evaluate clinical therapeutic effect of the neural stem cell (NSC)transplantation for

By:Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang, Bo Cheng, Saichun Chu, Shuangshuang Liu, Xinrui Xu, Fang Peng, Xiang Wang, Xueyan Feng Wu Medical Center Spinal cord injury(SCI)can cause damage below the motor, sensory and the sphincters. Because nerve damage cannot be

by Drs. Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng Optic neuropathy refers to damage to the optic nerve due to any cause. Damage and death of these nerve cells, or neurons, leads to characteristic features of optic neuropathy. The main symptoms are loss of

by Drs. Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng Chorea is the name for a group of disorders that causes involuntary movements or contractions in varied parts of the body. The type present may indicate where the body movements occur, though not always. Wi

by Drs. Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a group of hereditary disorders that damage the nerves in the arms and legs (peripheral nerves). Charcot-Marie-Tooth is also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy.

The combination of neural stem cells and nerve growth factor (NGF)/ Ganglioside monalsialate (GM1) achieves good results in the treatment of Autism by Drs. Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang, Bo Cheng, Susan Chu, Shengjie Liu and Xiang Wang Wu Medical Center,

by Drs. Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng Huntingtons Disease (HD) is caused by a mutated HD gene, which contains many proteins copied by amino acids (glutamino). The normal HD protein contains 10 to 25 pieces of glutamino sequences. However, if th

by Drs.Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng Progress in the Treatment of Dementia Dementia is the most important and most common degenerative brain disease. Cerebral atrophy that progresses for many years, and severe brain atrophy and dementia are cli

by Drs.Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) is a rare peripheral nerve disorder characterized by a gradual weakness in the legs and, to a lesser extent, the arms. It is the gradual onset, as wel

by Drs.Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng What is Ataxia? Ataxia is a form of movement disorder. Patients with Ataxia experience a loss of balance and physical co-ordination, leading to difficulty walking normally. The cerebellum of the brain is nor

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